Monday, January 8, 2007

Short Week (HOORAY!)

Hi fellow bloggers. I am excited about the fact that we have a short week coming up and an Institute Day on Friday. My husband started his new shift today. This is his long week. He will be off on Wednesday and Thursday. This is exciting b/c I don't have to drag the kids out of bed at 6:45 to get to work on time. I also may actually be able to come to work with my hair done instead of a ponytail.
Tomorrow we are celebrating June's 1/2 birthday. Carol said she'd bake a cake. We hope she doesn't forget. The plan is to order food, but we haven't been able to locate June to see what she'd like to eat. We get excited about food around here. That's why I'm as fat as I am (it has nothing to do with the two kids that I popped out over the last 2 years). It's all a conspiracy here to keep me plump.
Off to do some real work. Later...

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